
Academic standards:

  • are what public school students are expected to learn in reading, math, science, and other subjects.
  • Standards are set by individual states, not the federal government.
  • Standards are not set in stone, but are periodically reviewed and revised to meet learning objectives.

Some curricula in this database were written to state standards, such as Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) that were current during development and dissemination of the material. In late 2017, a writing committee made up of teachers, principals, curriculum directors, science specialists and other qualified individuals were identified by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) to shape the Science Standards of Alaska based off the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Teachers/Users can realign older lesson science standards with current K-12 Science Standards for Alaska by using the following:

In addition to the Science Standards of Alaska, many lessons contain indigenous knowledge and culture. To not address the cultural standards would be negligent and disproportionate.

Below are standards used within the Geophysical Institute Science Education Resource Bank: