Arctic Climate
- Adaptation (Grades: 9-12)
- Always Frozen! (Grades: 9-12)
- Architecture on Ice (Grades: 9-12)
- A Blanket of Snow (Grades: 9-12)
- Breaking Up Isn't Hard to Do (Grades: 9-12)
- The Case of the Disappearing Lakes (Grades: 9-12)
- Climate Change: Past and Present (Grades: 9-12)
- Eekology (Grades: 9-12)
- Engineering Ice Cellars (Grades: 9-12)
- Finding Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- Fire and Frost (Grades: 9-12)
- Greatest Story of Man and Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- Ice Water: Rivers and Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- In a Slump (Grades: 9-12)
- Lights, Camera, Action! (Grades: 9-12)
- Living in a Frozen Land (Grades: 9-12)
- Measuring Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- Older Than Blue Babe (Grades: 9-12)
- Permafrost in a Box (Grades: 9-12)
- Permafrost is a Sink (Grades: 9-12)
- The Shaping of the Arctic (Grades: 9-12)
Arctic Weather
- Building a Windmill Generator (Grades: 5-8)
- Clouds Tell a Story (Grades: 5-8)
- Community Energy Use (Grades: 5-8)
- Convection Connection (Grades: 5-8)
- Earth's Weather Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Explore the Land Around Your Middle School (Grades: 5-8)
- Gases and Their Properties (Grades: 5-8)
- The Great Heat Escape (Grades: 5-8)
- Hydrologic Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Local Hydrologic Cycle (Grades: 5-8)
- The Reason for Seasons (Grades: 5-8)
- Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator (Grades: 5-8)
- Snow Pennies (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Energy (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Engine (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Water Heating (Grades: 5-8)
- Temperature Investigation (Grades: 5-8)
- These are My Seasons (Grades: 5-8)
- Topography (Grades: 5-8)
- Waste to Watts (Grades: 5-8)
- Water: Endless Energy Source (Grades: 5-8)
- Weather Watchers (Grades: 5-8)
Climate Change
- Project Jukebox (Grades: 5-8)
- Global Climate Change (Grades: 9-12)
- Understanding Albedo (Grades: 9-12)
- Clouds as Art (Grades: K-4)
- Clouds (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- Clouds and Your Imagination (Grades: K-4)
- Cloud Haiku (Grades: 5-8)
- Cloud Types (Grades: 5-8)
- Clouds (5-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Elders' Cloud Observations (Grades: 5-8)
Data Analysis
- Digital Elevation Models (Grades: 9-12)
Earth Science
- Magnetic Earth Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Magnetic Earth Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Place-based Project Ideas: Forces that Shape the Earth (Grades: All)
- Place-based Project Ideas: Solar System and Universe (Grades: All)
- The Amazing Moon and Its Phases (Grades: K-4)
- Are Your Rocks Attractive? (Grades: K-4)
- Blow 'n Flow (Grades: K-4)
- Blowin' Erosion (Grades: K-4)
- Born of Fire (Grades: K-4)
- Build an Anemometer (Grades: K-4)
- Cave Formation (Grades: K-4)
- Conglomerates: More Than Just A Pretty Rock (Grades: K-4)
- Dan the Drip (Grades: K-4)
- Day and Night (Grades: K-4)
- Fancy Rocks (Grades: K-4)
- Fluvial Erosion (Grades: K-4)
- Growth of a River (Grades: K-4)
- Help Me Find My Home (Grades: K-4)
- Identifying And Locating Glaciers (Grades: K-4)
- Identifying and Locating Lakes and Rivers (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Forces that Shape the Earth (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Forces that Shape the Earth (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Solar System and Universe (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Solar System and Universe (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Islands (Grades: K-4)
- Jello Rocks (Grades: K-4)
- Magnanomous Tarts (Grades: K-4)
- Mini Water Cycle (Grades: K-4)
- Mountains and Valleys (Grades: K-4)
- My Rocks Rock! (Grades: K-4)
- Planet Properties (Grades: K-4)
- Rain, Rain, Go Away! (Grades: K-4)
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head (Grades: K-4)
- Rills and Thrills: Erosion Affects Me (Grades: K-4)
- River Features (Grades: K-4)
- River System (Grades: K-4)
- Rock Cookie (Grades: K-4)
- Rockhounds Rock! (Grades: K-4)
- Rockin' on the Inside (Grades: K-4)
- Rocking On The River (Grades: K-4)
- Rocky Bits (Grades: K-4)
- Saturation of Arctic Tundra (Grades: K-4)
- Seasons and Day Length (Grades: K-4)
- Shake, Rattle and Roll (Grades: K-4)
- Sifting Sand (Grades: K-4)
- Sink, Tilt Or Stand? (Grades: K-4)
- Slip Slidin' Away (Grades: K-4)
- Snowfall (Grades: K-4)
- Soil Shake-Up (Grades: K-4)
- Sorting Rocks (Grades: K-4)
- Stars in the Sky (Grades: K-4)
- Stars and the Sun (Grades: K-4)
- Water Goes Some Place Else (Grades: K-4)
- Waving Goodbye to Rocks (Grades: K-4)
- Weighing Rocks (Grades: K-4)
- What's in Your Rock? (Grades: K-4)
- Where Does My Water Come From? (Grades: K-4)
- Where Does Our Water Go? (Grades: K-4)
- Where is Our Land Going? (Grades: K-4)
- Why the Moon Looks Different (Grades: K-4)
- Broken Egg (Grades: 5-8)
- Changing Streams (Grades: 5-8)
- Come On Let's Do the Locomotion! (Grades: 5-8)
- Erosion By Precipitation (Grades: 5-8)
- Exploring Landslides (Grades: 5-8)
- Exploring Riverbank Erosion (Grades: 5-8)
- Forces From Beneath (Grades: 5-8)
- Gelatin Volcano (Grades: 5-8)
- Gold Panning (Grades: 5-8)
- Gritty Truth About Soil (Grades: 5-8)
- How Far is that Star? (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Forces that Shape the Earth (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Solar System and Universe (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Interpreting Topographic Maps (Grades: 5-8)
- Is Permafrost Permanent? (Grades: 5-8)
- Mendenhall Glacier Erosion (Grades: 5-8)
- Modeling the Solar System (Grades: 5-8)
- Movers and Shakers (Grades: 5-8)
- Percolation and the Permafrost (Grades: 5-8)
- Quick Change (Grades: 5-8)
- Reflecting Light (Grades: 5-8)
- Sedimentary Sandwich (Grades: 5-8)
- Star Light, Star Bright, Really Big Star I See Tonight (Grades: 5-8)
- Sweet Rock Cycle (Grades: 5-8)
- Topographic Map Features: Mountains and Valleys (Grades: 5-8)
- Tracking Ash (Grades: 5-8)
- The Water Cycle’s Impact on Surface Features (Grades: 5-8)
- What is a Conglomerate? (Grades: 5-8)
- What Makes a Rock? (Grades: 5-8)
- What's all the Buzz about Light Years? (Grades: 5-8)
- Why Should I Care about Soil Erosion? (Grades: 5-8)
- Acid Rain (Grades: 9-12)
- Can You Save New Orleans? (Grades: 9-12)
- Carbon Dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas (Grades: 9-12)
- Crashing Particles Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 9-12)
- Create a Rock Cycle (Grades: 9-12)
- Elder Insights on Weather and Hunting (Grades: 9-12)
- Elder Insights: Connecting the Dots (Grades: 9-12)
- Every Rock Has a Story (Grades: 9-12)
- Explosion of a Universe (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Forces that Shape the Earth (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Solar System and Universe (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Water Cycle, Rock Cycle, Weather (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Interpreting Rock Layers (Grades: 9-12)
- Introduction to the Greenhouse Effect (Grades: 9-12)
- An Investigation into Freezing Point Depression (Grades: 9-12)
- Is Our Climate Changing? (Grades: 9-12)
- Let It Rain (Grades: 9-12)
- Meander Curve (Grades: 9-12)
- Observing the Universe (Grades: 9-12)
- Rocks Rock! (Grades: 9-12)
- The Spectrum of a Star (Grades: 9-12)
- A Star is Born (Grades: 9-12)
- Surface Features and Plate Tectonics (Grades: 9-12)
- Swept Away: My Gain, Your Loss (Grades: 9-12)
- Tide Gauge Sleuths (Grades: 9-12)
- Traveling Carbon Cycle (Grades: 9-12)
Future Climate
- Albedo (Grades: 9-12)
- Climate Impacts: Salmon (Grades: 9-12)
- Digital Time Capsule (Grades: 9-12)
- Elder Insights (Grades: 9-12)
- Exploring Traditional Values (Grades: 9-12)
- The Ground was Frozen Then (Grades: 9-12)
- Harbingers of Change (Grades: 9-12)
- Hydrokinetic Power (Grades: 9-12)
- Impacts of Climate Change on Caribou (Grades: 9-12)
- Lake, Oh Lake, Where Art Thou? (Grades: 9-12)
- Noctilucent Clouds (Grades: 9-12)
- Solar Energy (Grades: 9-12)
- Things Are Heating Up (Grades: 9-12)
- Two Perspectives (Grades: 9-12)
- Waste to Watts (Grades: 9-12)
- Water and Climate Change in Rural Alaska (Grades: 9-12)
- Who Left Carbon Footprints in My Greenhouse? (Grades: 9-12)
- Wind Generators (Grades: 9-12)
Greenhouse Effect
- Carbon Footprint (Grades: 9-12)
- Greenhouse Effect (Grades: 9-12)
- Introduction to the Carbon Cycle (Grades: 9-12)
- Experiments in Heliophysics (Grades: All)
- Characteristics of the Sun by Raphael Lucas (Grades: 5-8)
- Electromagnetic EM Spectrum by Raphael Lucas (Grades: 5-8)
- Experience a Solar Eclipse by Marvin Nationales (Grades: 9-12)
- Exploring Eclipses by Cris DeWolf (Grades: 9-12)
- Magnetic Mysteries: Sun-Earth Interactions by Cris DeWolf (Grades: 9-12)
- Motion of a Coronal Mass Ejection by Christian J. Mercado (Grades: 9-12)
- Origin and Nature of the Sun by Marvin Nationales (Grades: 9-12)
- The Sun and Convection Currents by Christian J. Mercado (Grades: 9-12)
- Aurora Research and Heliophysics by Wendy Esch (Grades: 5-8 and 9-12)
- Exploring Exoplanets and Their Suns by Tanya Anderson (Grades: 6-8)
- Space Weather by Raphael Lucas (Grades: 6-8)
- Why Do We Have Seasons by Tanya Anderson (Grades: 6-8)
- How Do We Study the Sun From Earth by Thomas N. Tomas (Grades: 5-6)
- Our Sun as a Natural System by Tom N. Tomas (Grades: 5-6)
- How Does a Habitable Planet Develop by Marvin Nationales (Grades: 6-12)
- Magnetism and Earth's Magnetic Field by Wendy Esch (Grades: 6-12)
- Sun-Earth Interactions by Wendy Esch (Grades: 6-12)
Primary Documents
- 1. Wildfire and Change in Alaska: Full Curriculum (Grades: 3-5)
- 2. Comprehensive Teacher Resource Document (Grades: 3-5)
Individual Lessons from Curriculum
- Lesson #1: The Fire Cycle (Grades: 3-5)
- Lesson #2: The Fire Triangle (Grades: 3-5)
- Lesson #3: Introduction to Fire Behavior (Grades: 3-5)
- Lesson #4: Fire Behavior — Scenarios (Grades: 3-5)
- Lesson #6: Fire Behavior – Weather and Chance (Grades: 3-5)
Individual Teacher Resources
- Blank & pre-set game boards (Grades: 3-5)
- Blank & pre-set game boards (10"x10") (Grades: 3-5)
- Fire Behavior Record Worksheets (Grades: 3-5)
- Fire Cycle Story Images (Grades: 3-5)
- Fire Triangle Worksheets (Grades: 3-5)
- Full Sheet Game Piece Replacement (Grades: 3-5)
- Game Rules (Grades: 3-5)
- Individual Game Piece Replacement (Grades: 3-5)
Life Science
- Place-based Project Ideas: Biodiversity (Grades: All)
- Animal Body Coverings (Grades: K-4)
- Animals and Plants in the Past (Grades: K-4)
- Are You Me? (Grades: K-4)
- Backyard Water Discovery (Grades: K-4)
- Blubber Mitts (Grades: K-4)
- Can Do (Grades: K-4)
- Cells are Building Blocks (Grades: K-4)
- Di's Story (Grades: K-4)
- Distant Thunder (Grades: K-4)
- Draw Your Tundra Animal (Grades: K-4)
- "Egg"-stra Special Protection (Grades: K-4)
- Eye Of The Beholder (Grades: K-4)
- Fish Finders (Grades: K-4)
- Five Kingdoms But No King (Grades: K-4)
- Flower Flip Book (Grades: K-4)
- Fossils (Grades: K-4)
- Habitats (Grades: K-4)
- Hardworking Beaks (Grades: K-4)
- Heredity or Not? (Grades: K-4)
- Home is a Tree (Grades: K-4)
- How Do Scientists Learn About Ecosystems (Grades: K-4)
- How Do You Hide? (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Biodiversity (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Biodiversity (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Interdependence in Ecosystems (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Interdependence in Ecosystems (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Insect and Amphibian Life Cycles (Grades: K-4)
- Interconnections (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Animals In Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Birds (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Fungi (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Heat Energy (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Mammals (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Monerans And Protists (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Plants (Grades: K-4)
- It's Alive! Or Is It? (Grades: K-4)
- Life in the Tundra Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Living and Non-living Things in the Water (Grades: K-4)
- Make Your Own Watershed (Grades: K-4)
- Meet a Plant (Grades: K-4)
- The Missing Sea Otters (Grades: K-4)
- Musical Habitats (Grades: K-4)
- Mystical, Magical Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Notice the Plants and Animals (Grades: K-4)
- Our Nearby Ecosystem (Grades: K-4)
- Plan Your Tundra Plant (Grades: K-4)
- Plant and Animal Characteristics (Grades: K-4)
- Plant and Animal Experts (Grades: K-4)
- A Salmon's Life Journey (Grades: K-4)
- Simple Food Chain (Grades: K-4)
- Snow Blanket (Grades: K-4)
- Sorting Alaska's Animals and Plants (Grades: K-4)
- Spinning a Yarn about Ecosystems (Grades: K-4)
- Survival Links (Grades: K-4)
- Taking Care of the Earth (Grades: K-4)
- Wetland Plants (Grades: K-4)
- What Makes an Ecosystem? (Grades: K-4)
- What Plants Need to Grow (Grades: K-4)
- What's for Dinner? (Grades: K-4)
- Who Eats Whom? (Grades: K-4)
- Wood in Our Lives (Grades: K-4)
- You and Your Parents (Grades: K-4)
- Cells Build Tissues, Organs, and Body Systems (Grades: 5-8)
- Dichotomous Keys (Grades: 5-8)
- Ecosystem Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Energy Flow In An Alaska Wetland (Grades: 5-8)
- Follow the Food Chain (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Biodiversity (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Interdependence in Ecosystems (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Living Systems (Grades: 5-8)
- Mad Mutation (Grades: 5-8)
- Make a Tasty Leaf (Grades: 5-8)
- Migration Cycles (Grades: 5-8)
- Mnemonic Memory Taxonomy (Grades: 5-8)
- Sexual and Asexual Reproduction (Grades: 5-8)
- A Study of Organs (Grades: 5-8)
- Take a Deep Breath (Grades: 5-8)
- Tree Identification (Grades: 5-8)
- Tundra Adaptations (Grades: 5-8)
- Tundra Food Chain Puzzles (Grades: 5-8)
- Tundra Food Chain Relay (Grades: 5-8)
- Vertebrate Matching Game (Grades: 5-8)
- What Happens to Genes During Sexual Reproduction? (Grades: 5-8)
- Why Do They Do That? Learned and Inherited Behaviors (Grades: 5-8)
- All Systems Go! (Grades: 9-12)
- Breathe Deep (Grades: 9-12)
- DNA Extraction (Grades: 9-12)
- Ecology Puzzlers (Grades: 9-12)
- Ecosystem Partners (Grades: 9-12)
- Fossil Hunt (Grades: 9-12)
- Graphic Populations (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Adaptations and Changes over Time (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Biodiversity (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Interdependence in Ecosystems (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Investigating DNA (Grades: 9-12)
- Issues in Genetics (Grades: 9-12)
- Learning and Living (Grades: 9-12)
- Mineral Cycling Through the Ecosystem (Grades: 9-12)
- Population Explosions (Grades: 9-12)
- Probability of Traits (Grades: 9-12)
- Researching Natural Selection (Grades: 9-12)
- Tour of the Immune System (Grades: 9-12)
- Variation and Selection (Grades: 9-12)
Matter & Energy
- Experiments in Matter & Energy (Grades: All)
- Powerful Sun Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Melt Away (Grades: K-4)
- The Northern Lights: North Slope Iñupiaq (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- The Northern Lights: Northern Seward Iñupiaq (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- Oobleck (Grades: K-4)
- Soapy Solids (Grades: K-4)
- Solid Water (Grades: K-4)
- Touch and Discover (Grades: K-4)
- 3-D Planets (Grades: 5-8)
- Apple Model Earth (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Effects Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Effects Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Forecast (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Misconceptions: Rainbows & Aurora (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Ovals (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Recipe (Grades: 5-8)
- Aurora Shapes (Grades: 5-8)
- Cause and Effect (Grades: 5-8)
- Cities of the Aurora (Grades: 5-8)
- Colors Here and Colors There (Grades: 5-8)
- Crashing Particles Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- Crowns of Light Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Crowns of Light Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- Design a Clinometer (Grades: 5-8)
- Diamante (Grades: 5-8)
- Earth's Layers (Grades: 5-8)
- Elders Speak About the Aurora (Grades: 5-8)
- Fictitious Planets (Grades: 5-8)
- Galvanometers (Grades: 5-8)
- Glowing Shapes Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Glowing Shapes Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- The Great Heat Escape (Grades: 5-8)
- How High is The Aurora? (Grades: 5-8)
- Identifying Aurora Shapes (Grades: 5-8)
- Instruments in Space (Grades: 5-8)
- Invisible Force (Grades: 5-8)
- Keep It Cool (Grades: 5-8)
- Magnetosphere Watercolor Activity (Grades: 5-8)
- Magnificent Magnetospheres (Grades: 5-8)
- Make an Electromagnet (Grades: 5-8)
- Making Predictions about Invisible Forces (Grades: 5-8)
- Measuring Earth's Magnetic Field (Grades: 5-8)
- Measuring the Aurora Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Measuring the Aurora Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- Melting the Ice: Energy Transfer (Grades: 5-8)
- Mini Aurora Symphony (Grades: 5-8)
- The Northern Lights: North Slope Iñupiaq (5-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- The Northern Lights: Northern Seward Iñupiaq (5-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Other Planets' Auroras Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Particle Collision (Grades: 5-8)
- Place of Origin (Grades: 5-8)
- Planet "Geo"pardy (Grades: 5-8)
- Powerful Sun Vocabulary (Grades: 5-8)
- Predicting the Aurora Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Box Cooker (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Rotation (Grades: 5-8)
- Solar Winds and Solar Engines (Grades: 5-8)
- Spectral Fingerprints (Grades: 5-8)
- A Sun/Earth Comparison (Grades: 5-8)
- The Sunspot Cycle (Grades: 5-8)
- Timeline of Aurora Events (Grades: 5-8)
- Vanishing Points (Grades: 5-8)
- Whistling at the Aurora (Grades: 5-8)
- Write an Aurora Story (Grades: 5-8)
- 3-D CME (Grades: 9-12)
- An Aurora Cinquain (Grades: 9-12)
- Aurora Visibility (Grades: 9-12)
- Balloon Globe (Grades: 9-12)
- Chain of Events (Grades: 9-12)
- Cities of the Aurora Math Essay (Grades: 9-12)
- Complete the Circuit (Grades: 9-12)
- Create a Pastel Aurora (Grades: 9-12)
- Days of the Week (Grades: 9-12)
- Describing Earth’s Atmosphere (Grades: 9-12)
- Describing Earth’s Layers (Grades: 9-12)
- Draw a Cross-Section of Earth’s Atmosphere (Grades: 9-12)
- Exponential Growth and the Aurora (Grades: 9-12)
- Forecast (Grades: 9-12)
- Generator (Grades: 9-12)
- Graphing Gases (Grades: 9-12)
- Gumdrop Molecules (Grades: 9-12)
- How Dense Can They Be? (Grades: 9-12)
- Instruments in Space (Grades: 9-12)
- Introduction to Energy Transfer (Grades: 9-12)
- The Kp Index and the Aurora (Grades: 9-12)
- Lake Ice and Conductive Heat Flow (Grades: 9-12)
- Lake Ice and Energy Transfer (Grades: 9-12)
- Latitude and Distance (Grades: 9-12)
- Light Speed and Refraction (Grades: 9-12)
- Magnetic Mapping (Grades: 9-12)
- Matter: In Four Acts (Grades: 9-12)
- Measuring the Sun’s Diameter (Grades: 9-12)
- Native Aurora Vocabulary (Grades: 9-12)
- Native Languages: Months (Grades: 9-12)
- Navigational Methods (Grades: 9-12)
- Numbers in Native Languages (Grades: 9-12)
- Paragraph Structure (Grades: 9-12)
- Planetary RAFT (Grades: 9-12)
- Plasma Property (Grades: 9-12)
- Plasma: It Matters (Grades: 9-12)
- Radio and Aurora (Grades: 9-12)
- Reading a Globe (Grades: 9-12)
- Scale Drawing of Earth (Grades: 9-12)
- The Science of Snow (Grades: 9-12)
- Scientific Method (Grades: 9-12)
- A Solar System Model (Grades: 9-12)
- Solar Wind Among the Planets (Grades: 9-12)
- Solar Wind Speed, A Math Essay (Grades: 9-12)
- Southern Lights (Grades: 9-12)
- Spectrum in Alaska Native Languages (Grades: 9-12)
- Speed of Solar Wind (Grades: 9-12)
- Styro-Planets (Grades: 9-12)
- Sun/Earth Comparison Math Essay (Grades: 9-12)
- Sun/Earth Conversions (Grades: 9-12)
- Topic Sentences in Legends (Grades: 9-12)
- Traditional Introductions (Grades: 9-12)
- Viewing Sunspots (Grades: 9-12)
- Volume of Earth’s Layers (Grades: 9-12)
- Write to an Imaginary Pen Pal (Grades: 9-12)
Oral History
- Elder Interviews: Karaoke (Grades: All)
- Elder Interviews: Storytelling (Grades: All)
- Elder Interviews: Traditional Knowledge and Stories (Grades: All)
- Elder Interviews: Welcome the Sun Dance (Grades: All)
- Vocabulary: North Slope Iñupiaq (Grades: All)
- Vocabulary: Northern Seward Peninsula Iñupiaq (Grades: All)
- Qanniksuq: It Is Snowing Student Guide (Grades: 5-8)
- Qanniksuq: It Is Snowing Teacher's Manual (Grades: 5-8)
- Frost Depth (Grades: K-4)
- Permafrost: Permanently Frozen Ground (Grades: K-4)
- Walking on Frozen Ground (Grades: K-4)
- Worming Your Way Through the Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Collecting Compost (Grades: 5-8)
- Frost Depth Study (Grades: 5-8)
- Keep It Active (Grades: 5-8)
- Layering the Soil (Grades: 5-8)
- Permafrost (Grades: 5-8)
- Polygons, Pingos and Thermokarst, Oh My! (Grades: 5-8)
- Soil Permeability (Grades: 5-8)
- Tour of the Frozen Ground (Grades: 5-8)
- Features of the Frozen Earth...and Mars (Grades: 9-12)
- Finding Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- Frost Depth Measurements (Grades: 9-12)
- The Ground was Frozen Then (Grades: 9-12)
- Growing Plants in a Variety of Soil Conditions (Grades: 9-12)
- Introduction to Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- Living in a Frozen Land (Grades: 9-12)
- Measuring Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
- The Shaping of the Arctic (Grades: 9-12)
- Uses of Permafrost (Grades: 9-12)
Physical Science
- Changing Speeds Changes States (Grades: All)
- A-Mazing Motion (Grades: K-4)
- Air Matters (Grades: K-4)
- Am I Big and Blue or Small and Yellow? (Grades: K-4)
- Catapulting Cotton (Grades: K-4)
- Changes in Matter: Making Ice Cream (Grades: K-4)
- Classy Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Crash Dummies (Grades: K-4)
- Creepy Mover (Grades: K-4)
- Disappearing Acts: Which Substances Dissolve in Water? (Grades: K-4)
- Dropping the Ball (Grades: K-4)
- The Great Race (Grades: K-4)
- I Am Not an Ordinary Chip (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Motions and Forces (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Motions and Forces (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Properties of Matter (3-5) (Grades: K-4)
- Important Concepts: Properties of Matter (K-2) (Grades: K-4)
- Investigating Matter: Cool Balloons (Grades: K-4)
- It's Matter, It Matters (Grades: K-4)
- Just Cool It! (Grades: K-4)
- Keep It Warm (Grades: K-4)
- Keep Those Hands Warm! (Grades: K-4)
- Magic Movers (Grades: K-4)
- Magnetic Exploration (Grades: K-4)
- Magnetic Force (Grades: K-4)
- Making Electricity (Grades: K-4)
- Moving Magnets (Grades: K-4)
- My Coat Is Warmer Than Your Coat (Grades: K-4)
- Mystery Containers (Grades: K-4)
- Physical or Chemical? (Grades: K-4)
- Property Changes in Melting Snow (Grades: K-4)
- Push Me, Pull You (Grades: K-4)
- Shape, Color and Size (Grades: K-4)
- Sink or Float? (Grades: K-4)
- S'Mores (Grades: K-4)
- Sorting Hats (Grades: K-4)
- Sorting Snowflakes (Grades: K-4)
- Sound Around You (Grades: K-4)
- Toys in Motion (Grades: K-4)
- What Can You Do With Shoes, Cereal, and Money (Grades: K-4)
- What is Happening Here? (Grades: K-4)
- Wild Bunches (Grades: K-4)
- You're in Hot Water! (Grades: K-4)
- Ash It (Grades: 5-8)
- Changing Forms of Energy (Grades: 5-8)
- Circular Motion (Grades: 5-8)
- Clasts (Grades: 5-8)
- Compare and Contrast the Planets (Grades: 5-8)
- Contrasting Stars and Planets (Grades: 5-8)
- Decipherable Density (Grades: 5-8)
- Density Separation of Local Sediments (Grades: 5-8)
- The Great Heat Escape (Grades: 5-8)
- How Hot Is It? (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Motions and Forces (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Important Concepts: Properties of Matter (6-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Interactions Between Changes (Grades: 5-8)
- Interactions Between Charges (Grades: 5-8)
- Magnetic Mapping (Grades: 5-8)
- Magnets and Electric Currents (Grades: 5-8)
- Matter Changes States (Grades: 5-8)
- Melt Down (Grades: 5-8)
- Modeling Molecules (Grades: 5-8)
- Orbits (Grades: 5-8)
- Our Changing Moon (Grades: 5-8)
- Snow Cover and Satellites (Grades: 5-8)
- The Straw Wave (Grades: 5-8)
- Thawing Permafrost (Grades: 5-8)
- Transfer of Energy and its Effects (Grades: 5-8)
- Under Pressure (Grades: 5-8)
- What Do I Hear (Grades: 5-8)
- Application of Nuclear Reaction (Grades: 9-12)
- Atom Interactions (Grades: 9-12)
- Atomic Structure (Grades: 9-12)
- Balloon Rockets (Grades: 9-12)
- Catch Some Rays: Alpha, Beta, Gamma (Grades: 9-12)
- Chemical Reaction in a Baggy (Grades: 9-12)
- Determining Metals And Nonmetals From Periodic Table (Grades: 9-12)
- Electromagnetic Waves and Climate (Grades: 9-12)
- Endothermic and Exothermic Chemical Reactions (Grades: 9-12)
- Fish Camp Packaging (Grades: 9-12)
- Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Motions and Forces (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Important Concepts: Properties of Matter (9-12) (Grades: 9-12)
- Interactions Of Waves (Grades: 9-12)
- Introduction To The Periodic Table (Grades: 9-12)
- Light Me Up (Grades: 9-12)
- Light Reflection (Grades: 9-12)
- Making Predictions About Invisible Forces (Grades: 9-12)
- Moving Charges, Making Magnets (Grades: 9-12)
- Pinniped Beach Resort (Grades: 9-12)
- Recreate the Periodic Table of Elements (Grades: 9-12)
- Structure of the Atom (Grades: 9-12)
- Trees as a Vehicle for Energy Transfer (Grades: 9-12)
- Understanding the Gravity of the Situation (Grades: 9-12)
- What’s Up With Atoms? (Grades: 9-12)
- Build a Precipitation Gauge (Grades: K-4)
- Drinkable Snow (Grades: K-4)
- Elders Predict Snow (Grades: K-4)
- Make a Snowflake (Grades: K-4)
- Measuring Snowfall (Grades: K-4)
- Build a Psychrometer (Grades: 5-8)
- Humidity and Air Saturation (Grades: 5-8)
- Measuring Humidity (Grades: 5-8)
Remote Sensing
- Close Up and Far Away (Grades: K-4)
- Using Your Senses (Grades: K-4)
- Zoom Out (Grades: K-4)
- Satellite Sense (Grades: 5-8)
- Sea Ice and Satellites (Grades: 5-8)
- GINA Over Alaska (Grades: 9-12)
- The View from Space (Grades: 9-12)
- Viewing Sea Ice with GINA (Grades: 9-12)
Scientific Process
- Bright Girls Investigation 1: Geocaching (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 2: Evaluating Evidence (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 3: Creative Technology (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 4: Interpreting Satellite Imagery (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 5: Stop Motion Animation (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 6: Data Visualization (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 7: Landscape Change Detection (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 8: Observational Drawing (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 9: Futurecasting (Grades: 9-12)
- Bright Girls Investigation 10: STEM Speed Mentoring (Grades: 9-12)
Sea Ice Dynamics
- Understanding the Ice (Grades: K-4)
- Vanishing Coast: Erosion (Grades: K-4)
- Displaying Sea Ice (Grades: 5-8)
- Identifying Sea Ice (Grades: 5-8)
- Observing Sea Ice (Grades: 5-8)
- Sea Ice Board Game (Grades: 5-8)
- Sea Ice: Unscrambling the Egg Code (Grades: 5-8)
- A Coastal Arctic Food Web (Grades: 9-12)
- Investigating Ocean Currents (Grades: 9-12)
- Tour of the Cryosphere (Grades: 9-12)
- Masks (Grades: K-4)
- Personal Observations (Grades: K-4)
- Seasons (Grades: K-4)
- Stories: Level I (Grades: K-4)
- Stories: Level II (Grades: K-4)
- Weather Proverbs (Grades: K-4)
- Decision Making (Grades: 5-8)
- Masks (Grades: 5-8)
- Seasons (Grades: 5-8)
- Stories (Grades: 5-8)
- Subsistence Calendar (Grades: 5-8)
- Weather Proverbs (Grades: 5-8)
- Alaska Earthquake Center Educator Resources (Grades: All)
- Qanniksuq: It Is Snowing Student Guide (Grades: 5-8)
- Qanniksuq: It Is Snowing Teacher's Manual (Grades: 5-8)
- Build a Thermometer (Grades: K-4)
- Measuring Temperature (Grades: K-4)
- Oral History (Grades: K-4)
- Temperature (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- The Attitude of Latitude (Grades: 5-8)
- Finding the Average Temperature (Grades: 5-8)
- Long-term Temperature Changes Essay (Grades: 5-8)
- Temperature (5-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- 1964: Learning, Family, and Sharing (Grades: K-4)
- Aleutian Arc: Land and Sea (Grades: K-4)
- Aleutian Legends (Grades: K-4)
- Alutiiq Disk Toss (Grades: K-4)
- Animals, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis (Grades: K-4)
- Bottle O'Waves (Grades: K-4)
- Design a Monument (Grades: K-4)
- Earthquake Detection (Grades: K-4)
- Earthquakes and Tsunamis (Grades: K-4)
- Erosion (Grades: K-4)
- Ghost Forest (Grades: K-4)
- Height of Tsunami Runup (Grades: K-4)
- Helping Each Other (Grades: K-4)
- How Deep? (Grades: K-4)
- Introduction to Tsunami (Grades: K-4)
- Island Mobile (Grades: K-4)
- An Island Story (Grades: K-4)
- It's Good to be Prepared for an Earthquake (Grades: K-4)
- Landslide! (Grades: K-4)
- Let's Draw a Map (Grades: K-4)
- Let's Make a Time Capsule (Grades: K-4)
- Ocean Wave Sort (Grades: K-4)
- Oral Traditions (Grades: K-4)
- Pangaea Puzzle (Grades: K-4)
- Parts of a Map (Grades: K-4)
- The Qayaq and the Iqyax (Grades: K-4)
- Safety Rules for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (Grades: K-4)
- Speed of a Tsunami Wave (Grades: K-4)
- Stories in the Soil (Grades: K-4)
- Topography and Bathymetry (Grades: K-4)
- Treasure Hunt (Grades: K-4)
- Trigger Sort (Grades: K-4)
- Tsunami Coming (Grades: K-4)
- Tsunami Story (Grades: K-4)
- Tsunamis and Oceans (Grades: K-4)
- Volcanoes and Tsunamis (Grades: K-4)
- Warning Signs: Nature and Technology (Grades: K-4)
- Water Level (Grades: K-4)
- A Wave of Sounds (Grades: K-4)
- What Do We Take? (Grades: K-4)
- What's in a Name? (Grades: K-4)
- What's on Your Plate? (Grades: K-4)
- 1964 Tsunamis (Grades: 5-8)
- Beready Island (Visual Aid: Beready Island) (Grades: 5-8)
- The Bottom of the Ocean (Grades: 5-8)
- Built for Waves (Grades: 5-8)
- Community Skills Survey (Grades: 5-8)
- Convection Current (Grades: 5-8)
- Convection and Plate Motion (Grades: 5-8)
- Cultural Values and 1964 (Grades: 5-8)
- DART II System (Grades: 5-8)
- Earth's Layers (Grades: 5-8)
- Geologic Oral Traditions (Grades: 5-8)
- Get to High Ground Game (Grades: 5-8)
- Google Earth (Grades: 5-8)
- GPS - Using the Global Positioning System (Grades: 5-8)
- Ground Truthing (Grades: 5-8)
- How is this Structure Used? (Grades: 5-8)
- How the Mighty Fall (Grades: 5-8)
- Kodiak Living, Long Ago (Grades: 5-8)
- Land and Water Features (Grades: 5-8)
- Layers as Clues (Grades: 5-8)
- Local Warning (Grades: 5-8)
- Making Waves (Grades: 5-8)
- Salty Sea (Grades: 5-8)
- Science and Tradition (Grades: 5-8)
- Seismic Waves (Grades: 5-8)
- Seismometer Source Mechanisms (Grades: 5-8)
- Sliding Plates (Grades: 5-8)
- Speedy Tsunami (Grades: 5-8)
- Structural Countermeasures (Grades: 5-8)
- Subduction Zones and Tsunamis (Grades: 5-8)
- Sweet Tsunami Soil (Grades: 5-8)
- Traditional Knowledge of Tides (Grades: 5-8)
- Traditional Land Use (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami Misconceptions (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami Safety Brochure (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami Sleuthing (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami Sources (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami Story (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunami or Tidal Wave? (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunamis Around the World (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunamis in Literature and Legends (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunamis on the Air Waves (Grades: 5-8)
- Tsunamis with a Latitude (Grades: 5-8)
- Volcano Jigsaw (Grades: 5-8)
- Volcano Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 5-8)
- Where Do I Fit? (Grades: 5-8)
- Communications Technology: Earthquakes & Tsunamis (Grades: 9-12)
- Community Presentation (Grades: 9-12)
- Creating Graphs: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (Grades: 9-12)
- The Day that Cries Forever (Grades: 9-12)
- Earthquake Energy (Grades: 9-12)
- A House to Come Home To (Grades: 9-12)
- I Will Survive (Visual Aid: I Will Survive) (Grades: 9-12)
- Latitude and Longitude with Google Earth (Grades: 9-12)
- Plate Tectonics and Ecological Connections (Grades: 9-12)
- Plate Tectonics Scavenger Hunt (Grades: 9-12)
- Tide Gaugae Sleuths (Grades: 9-12)
- Tsunami Mapping Task Force (Grades: 9-12)
- Tsunami Speed (Grades: 9-12)
- Tsunamis Create Warning Centers (Grades: 9-12)
- Visualizing Plate Movement (Grades: 9-12)
- Wave Behavior (Grades: 9-12)
Water Cycle
- Go Glacier Go! (Grades: K-4)
- The Water Cycle Game (Grades: K-4)
- Water, Water Everywhere: Level I (Grades: K-4)
- Water, Water Everywhere: Level II (Grades: K-4)
- Evaporation (Grades: 5-8)
- Local Hydrologic Cycle (Grades: 5-8)
- Water Cycle Bag (Grades: 5-8)
- Water Wise (Grades: 5-8)
Weather Observation
- Cloud Forecast (Grades: K-4)
- Extreme Weather (Grades: K-4)
- Timeline of Extreme Weather Events: Level I (Grades: K-4)
- Timeline of Extreme Weather Events: Level II (Grades: K-4)
- Weather (Grades: K-4)
- Weather Observation Journal (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- Weather Report Chart (Grades: K-4)
- Elder's Weather Forecasting (Grades: 5-8)
- Testing Weather Proverbs (Grades: 5-8)
- Traditional Weather Observations (Grades: 5-8)
- Weather Observation Journal (5-8) (Grades: 5-8)
- Weather Timeline (Grades: 5-8)
- Weather Versus Climate (Grades: 5-8)
- GPS Mapping (Grades: 9-12)
- The Long and the Lat of It (Grades: 9-12)
- Navigational Methods (Grades: 9-12)
- Building a Weather Vane: Level I (Grades: K-4)
- Building a Weather Vane: Level II (Grades: K-4)
- Building an Anemometer (Grades: K-4)
- Finding Wind Direction (Grades: K-4)
- Measuring Wind Speed (Grades: K-4)
- Traditional Stories about Wind (Grades: K-4)
- Wind (K-4) (Grades: K-4)
- Convection and Wind (Grades: 5-8)
- Name that Wind (Grades: 5-8)
- Native Language Ties (Grades: 5-8)
- Active Earth Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Active Earth Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Active Earth Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Ash Plumes (Grades: All)
- Carbon Dioxide (Grades: All)
- Clay Model Earth (Grades: All)
- Convection Current (Grades: All)
- Critical Thinking: Building Near Volcanoes (Grades: All)
- Critical Thinking: Mo`olelo and Science (Grades: All)
- Decoding Plate Names (Grades: All)
- Design an `Ohe Käpala (Grades: All)
- Determining Density (Grades: All)
- Determining Lava Temperatures (Grades: All)
- Drawing Magma (Grades: All)
- Earth’s Crust Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Earth’s Crust Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Earth’s Crust Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Earth’s Elements and Temperatures (Grades: All)
- Exploring Volcanic Hazards: Gas and Vog (Grades: All)
- Flour Box Calderas (Grades: All)
- Giant Volcanoes of Mars (Grades: All)
- GPS Mapping (Grades: All)
- Hawai`i Volcanoes Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Hawai`i Volcanoes Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Hawai`i Volcanoes Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Hazards of Volcanoes: Shield vs. Composite (Grades: All)
- Hess’s Method (Grades: All)
- Identifying Rocks (Grades: All)
- Introduction to the Scientific Method (Grades: All)
- Invisible Gas, Invisible Ink (Grades: All)
- Küpuna Speak (Grades: All)
- Lava Flows (Grades: All)
- Lava Supply (Grades: All)
- Liquid Layers (Grades: All)
- Locating the Epicenter (Grades: All)
- Measuring Magma Chamber Changes (Grades: All)
- Mollie Magma (Grades: All)
- Monitoring Volcanoes Lexicon (Grades: All)
- Monitoring Volcanoes Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Monitoring Volcanoes Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Mo`olelo of Hawai`i Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Mo`olelo of Hawai`i Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Mo`olelo of Hawai`i Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Oral Tradition and Science (Grades: All)
- P-Waves and S-Waves (Grades: All)
- Pace and Compass (Grades: All)
- Pacific Plate Movement (Grades: All)
- Pangaea Puzzle (Grades: All)
- Pangaea Science Theories (Grades: All)
- Planet Earth Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Planet Earth Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Planet Earth Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Plate Tectonics (Grades: All)
- Putting Earth In Its Place (Grades: All)
- Rate of Plate Movement (Grades: All)
- Recipe for Volcanoes (Grades: All)
- Rocks and the Rock Cycle Pocket Guide (Grades: All)
- Table Tectonics (Grades: All)
- Talk Story (Grades: All)
- Tephra Catapults (Grades: All)
- Tides and Earth Volcanoes (Grades: All)
- Toothpaste Chain Volcanoes (Grades: All)
- Tour of the Universe (Grades: All)
- Using Satellite Images (Grades: All)
- Volcanic Hazards and Risks (Grades: All)
- Volcano Hazards Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Volcano Hazards Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Volcano Hazards Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Volcano Models (Grades: All)
- Volcano: The Storyboard (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Beyond Earth Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Beyond Earth Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Beyond Earth Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes of Io (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Lexicon Detective (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes on Other Planets (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Scavenger Hunt (Grades: All)
- Volcanoes Vocabulary (Grades: All)
- Water Tube Tiltmeters (Grades: All)
- Waves of Light (Grades: All)
- Waves We Measure: Electromagnetic or Mechanical? (Grades: All)
- Write a Mo`olelo (Grades: All)